Tuesday, August 27, 2013

weigh to stay: 7 months in

See previous posts about my weight loss and maintenance by clicking HERE.

I have been at my goal weight (a loss of 24-27 lbs, depending on the day) since about May? June?  It's been a couple of months and I am still maintaining.  I'm very grateful for this, which makes it sound like it's something given to me and not something I'm working for.  Sometimes I feel that way though, some days it's easier than others to follow the rules and do what I'm supposed to do.  One thing I've always said though, is that I cannot and will not diet in a way that I can't maintain.  That's why I don't do trendy fad diets.  For me, there's only one path to success. Diet and exercise. And when I say diet, I don't mean South Beach or Adkins (see, I don't even know what the current fads are). I mean the foods that I choose to eat, that's my "diet." Or eating lifestyle.  Some days are smarter and better than others.

Some days I totally indulge and throw the plan out the window, but I always make up for it and I always get back on track. That's one thing I'm learning to do, finally, after all this time of having my weight go up and down. And up and down again.  I have to get back on track when I fall off of the wagon.  Just because I know there is an event coming up where I know I will go overboard, the most important thing to remember is to live in moderation leading up to and following that event. Wedding Cake. Birthday Cake. Mom's in town so we're having cookies. It's okay to enjoy food and life!  I certainly don't have to be miserable to eat right.  It's fun and a challenge, even, to find healthy foods I enjoy.  The Hungry Girl cookbooks are great for this.  While I do feel like I'm experiencing some success, I'm very well aware of the fact that I've only actually maintained my goal weight/size for a couple of months and that it doesn't take long to put it back on.  What are some tips you have for sustained weight loss?

Here I am with my BFF on 8/17/2013.



  1. Still looking great!! I don't do diets either, I did do weight watchers and it helped me to watch what I was eating. After this baby I'm going to just work on tracking until I can work out. Then ill try the couch to 5k. Erin and I are even talking about joining the Y so I can work out during the day since I think they have day care.

    1. They do have childcare during certain hours and lots of programs for families. I think the YMCA is awesome for families. :-)
