Monday, June 3, 2013

breaking: everyone in my house has pooped in a toilet

I was pretty shocked to get a text from our babysitter last Friday that simply said:


Um?  He just peed on the potty for the first time about a week before that. Or was it last Monday. Gah, life is a blur.  And also?  He just turned 2 three weeks ago.  Anyway, he's dropped the Browns off at the Superbowl 3 times since then so apparently we aren't going to have the same trouble with him that we've had with Theo.

Remember this prank?  The little jokester has only pooped on the potty 1 time since April Fool's Day.

But today is not about the jokester, today is all about this kid:

As promised, we took Dexter out for ice cream tonight to celebrate his accomplishment.  He is very proud of himself, as are we.  Theo is actually very excited for Dexter too.  It's pretty cute. 

We went to the park across the street after we finished our sweet treats. 

Dirty ice cream face kid.  Eh. Sue me. We left the wipes in the car.

Well, hello there.  Theo actually spotted this squirrel and wanted to take a closer look.

My little heart melter.

Dexter's favorite thing was running/falling down the hill.

Theo had fun playing tag with Daddy.

Pretty perfect night, all things considered.



  1. AWESOME! Poop in the potty is the stuff and I'm super happy for you! We've had it happen basically only by accident so I'm super jelly!

  2. YAY!! That's exciting! I have a potty for Mackenzie and she sits on it if I'm in the bathroom. I have yet to get her to sit on it with no pants though. I'm ready, but she's not.
