Wednesday, May 15, 2013

weigh to go: 4 months in

Read the previous updates and see the previous photos here

My goal starting out in January was to lose 20-24 pounds and remain in that range.  I'm happy to finally report that I made it! I have been in this range for about 3 weeks now.  I lost about five pounds in a couple of days when I had strep throat at the end of April, and gained a couple of them back.  Here I am in January (after my first trip to the gym in 2 or more years) and after my run tonight:

I feel much better, but I still have work to do.  I still feel squishy.  I want to feel fit.  I feel healthier but I don't necessarily feel like a fit person.  Strep throat threw me off track with Couch to 5k and I still have not completely gotten back on track.  And now I've lost track of whether I'm just one week behind or two.



I WILL finish Couch to 5k by the end of May.  I will make it happen.  Why?  Because I've registered for my first 5k on June 1st!  I'm excited and a little nervous.  I've made a lot of progress considering that I struggled to run for 1 minute at a time when I started Couch to 5k and now I'm struggling to run 28 minutes...but I'm doing it!  I loathe it during sometimes, but afterwards it is one of the best feelings in the world. Truly!  I think I even saw a glimmer of a calf muscle tonight. I'm running outside more than inside, which (for me) is much more difficult physically.  The treadmill is boring though and I tend to stare at the clock, so either way it's a challenge.

Tonight was the first night I had to run 28 min. The last three runs were only 25. Doesn't sound like a huge difference but you better believe I threw my everything into those last three minutes while I was jamming out to Alicia Keys' Superwoman because I wanted to quit. Bad.  It was hot.  The path I chose was very hilly.  I had just eaten dinner.  It was rough and I was super slow. But I made it without walking. Woo! Afterwards, I was anxious to find out if I ran further than I had the previous week and sadly, it was the exact same.  Given the environmental challenges, I'm not beating myself up about it too much since I did finish without stopping (and that's my goal for the 5k, not speed).  But it would have been nice if I'd gone further than the 2.2mi that I have been running for the past week in 25 minutes.

Long way of saying I got behind, but I haven't given up. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I only have 5 more Couch to 5k workouts remaining and I kind of don't know what to do with myself once that's over. Aside from walking, this has pretty much been my only exercise since I started it 9-ish weeks ago.

Suggestions?  I get bored going to the gym and doing cardio & weights.  I've thought about P90x but we don't have a great place for that until we get the basement finished.  



  1. You look fantastic! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

    1. It was SO good to see you!! I could have talked to you for hours. :) Next time!

  2. I typed a response to your entry from my phone and it won't load. If ends up loading, just pretend you never read this reply. First, you are doing an awesome job! Most people talk about working out and rarely do it. If you want a great overall cardio/toning DVD, I highly recommend Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. If you order it on Amazon it is around $5. There are 3 levels and she suggests you do the video 3-4 days a week and move to the next level when you can successfully complete the 20 minute workout. It's 3 mins of weights/toning, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of ab work and there are 3 cycles per workout. You will be amazed how strong you get in just a few days. I also own P90X but even when I was at tip top shape, I was never able to successfully complete a single workout. I became VERY discouraged and it was not cheap! I do the 30 Day Shred in my livingroom (not much space is needed) and I do it 3 days a week and never get tired of it.

    1. Ryan did p90x a couple of years ago so we already own it. I don't know if I could complete it either, it's pretty intense. I do Ab Ripper on occasion. I have heard a lot of good things about this 30 Day Shred so I will probably try it! Thanks for taking the time. :)

  3. If you'r doing the cto5k you can do the 30 day shred! I had bought it before Mackenzie was born and it's hard!
    Great job sticking to it and reaching your goal. You look great! I'll be on the same path next year and I'm planning on doing cto5k!
